Monday, January 20, 2014

Choices! Choices! Choices!

Every day we have choices to make in our life. Some are important ones and others are just routine and thus easy. On many occasions I have heard my wife, Sharon, counsel our Grandchildren “Make good choices!” What an important piece of advice this is! Hopefully they will keep her advice in the back of their mind to draw upon when needed.

With my wife’s advice in mind let’s talk about some important principles to keep in mind concerning choices. First, we’ll all make good and bad choices so how do we deal with them? When bad choices happen learn from them or adjust them and move forward. Benefit from some of my Dad’s sage advice, “This too will pass.” When good choices happen enjoy them and understand that they won’t last forever! The twists and turns of life will take us in another direction and call for another choice.

Next, learn to take responsibility for bad choices. Too much time is spent on “the blame game”, trying to transfer fault for our poor choices to someone else. Several years ago at a seminar I attended a speaker said “you’re your only problem baby: and you’re the only solution.” On the other side of the coin when you’ve made a good choice that has good results don’t forget to give credit to those helping your success.

Additionally, seek advice when making important choices. There are people who have walked the same road before you, benefit from their experience. Wise King Solomon said “there is nothing new under the sun.” Realize that we don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” every time we make a choice. In the long run we can learn from others and ultimately from our own experiences.

Finally, it is our choices that determine our level of success in life. Each good choice we make takes us to a new level of maturity. When we make a bad choice we need to “get up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again.” Basketball coaching legend John Wooden once said “There are choices in life in nearly everything you do, so keep in mind the choices that you make makes you!”