This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this
day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it
for good
What I do today is very
important because I am
exchanging a
day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever,
something in its place I have traded for it
I want it to be gain not
Good not evil...
Success, not failure...
In order that I shall
not forget the price I paid for it.
We could easily
substitute the word year where the word day appears in the poem above. We all
have the chance to start anew when a new year begins. In order to do so we have
to overcome some natural tendencies inhibiting change in our personal or
business life. I’ve had the poem on my wall since it was given to me in 1974.
It reminds me daily to use my time wisely. What keeps us from making better use of the
365 days we will all have this year?
I think there is a
tendency for us to think since we do have all those days ahead we’ll relax and
get started “pretty soon.” Unfortunately, “pretty soon” never seems to come. We
wake up later in the year and realize we’re once again victim of the same old
habits hindering us before. Procrastination has kept us from making the gains
we had planned. We all have had those things we’ll do when “we get around to
it.” Early in my insurance career I was given “a round tuit”, a circular,
washer-like object meant to remind me to “get around to it!!” I often think of
the little tuit and it has served its original purpose many times.
Someone has said
insanity is doing the same thing we’ve always done and expecting different
results. Each day we must decide what we want to use the day for. What are the
two or three things we must accomplish and then what else would we like to do
if there is some time left over. A successful year is just a series of
successful days and weeks. The key is as the poem says choosing what will be
done. Once the choice is made we can move on with the task.
No matter how well we
use the time we also need to be flexible. We can get so organized and
structured that no time is left for our personal priorities. From time to time
take a break, re-evaluate, smell the coffee, and move forward. Life’s too short
to not enjoy the journey. Getting a breather often leaves us refreshed and able
to get more focused. We can get things accomplished and still enjoy the ride.