November has rolled around again, the year is winding down, and many of our thoughts turn to those things and those for whom we are thankful. Really this should be a year around activity but it seems we get too busy to stop and be thankful and to say thanks. In this land of plenty it is easy to develop and attitude of entitlement and not realize how blessed we are. My list is certainly not all-inclusive and I’ll think of something left out, but I’ll share some of the items that deserve my saying thanks.
Thanks to God for being born in this great nation. I am free to worship how I want, work where I want, and live where I want. Those and other freedoms are only possible because of those sacrificing, even dying, so that I and others could exercise our freedoms. Changing our government by ballot and not by bullet is another wonderful freedom. We’re even free to call others stupid and uneducated because they choose to vote differently than we do.
Thanks to my wife of forty-nine years and all the joys and sorrows we’ve shared. I decided long ago that she was a keeper and one of the few people (maybe the only one) that could put up with me. In those early days I thought she was the nicest and the smartest person I ever met. I was right. I’m hoping for many years to share our common interests- our faith, our family, and our friends.
Thanks for our families, close and distant. Our daughters, grandchildren, mothers, sisters, cousins, etc. have added joy to our household. We have shared many special occasions, joys, and sorrows. We have had great opportunity to share with you in our home and in distant places. As Debbie Boone once sang, “You light up my life.”
Thanks to those sacrificing to keep us safe. Our police, firefighters, and yes, our military serving on foreign shores all deserve our thanks. Our lives happen so peacefully and matter of fact that we too often forget the risks you take to provide our everyday lives. An ordered society is dependent upon each of you to keep us from chaos.
Thanks for the opportunity to have two great careers. The sales and sale management career of my youth and the teaching career I’ve had in my mature years. Both have been a blessing and added to my life. I continually learn from the students taking my classes.
These are just a few things I have to say thanks about. Think of yours and remember to say thanks for those providing them. Also, have a great Thanksgiving!!!!
Thank you for sharing your many blessings! We have much to be thankful for!