Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Importance of Growth!!

Throughout our lives one of the most important aspects is that of growth. When a child is born we record weight and length and then measure standards of whether proper growth is occurring. We make sure proper rules of nourishment are followed as well as activities meant to gain proper levels of strength. Some of us even grow to levels exceeding standards when rules of growth are broken and exceeded. Such is the story of physical growth in our society.

We also have a need for internal growth. The problem with internal growth is that it isn’t as easily observable. We can think growth is happening or not happening and be wrong. Some level could be going on but is it enough or in the desired direction? We need to understand three factors of growth in ourselves and others.

First, growth is necessary. Just as we grow physically we must also grow internally (both emotionally and intellectually). No matter where we are we must work at growth. I remember hearing once that a person could have “twenty years of experience” or “one year of experience twenty times.” It all depends upon how we take our experiences and learn from them. Whether successes or failures we can learn and grow or be in the same place over and over. One thing for sure we can’t stand still.

The second important factor is that growth is not automatic. Two people go to work in a similar job for the same company and in ten years there is a vast difference in their level of performance. Sometimes ability is the answer but more often deciding for growth opportunities is the separation. John Maxwell put it well recently in one of his one minute broadcasts, “Some people go through life, while others grow through life.” Some people wander through life taking life as it comes others grow and make things happen.

A wise man once told me there are three types of people. One type watches what happens, the second type makes things happen, and the third type wonders what happened. The middle group knows that growth is not automatic and they set out to grow and by doing so they make things happen in their lives.

The final factor, hinted at by the first two, is that growth must be continuous. One we reach a level it is time to move to the next level. We don’t live in a static society, it is very dynamic. If we don’t grow we will be left behind and perhaps replaced by someone who does. The Japanese have a concept in their society that is important to visit. The concept is kaizen, or small continuous improvement. Their goal is improvement every day.

As Americans we are in a microwave culture. We want it and we want it now! Sometimes we aren’t willing to pay the price. We want large, fast growth rather than steady growth which more often can be maintained. We need to remember that growth is necessary, it is not automatic and it must be continuous.