Friday, January 18, 2013

Attitude: The Magic Word

The late, great radio commentator Earl Nightengale called attitude “The magic Word” in his “Lead the Field” audio series. Nightengale was correct because our attitude sets the course for life’s journey. Years ago, in a presentation, I compared attitude to altitude. In an airplane we rise to certain altitudes for a safe and comfortable flight. Our attitude also sets a safe and comfortable voyage that determines what we are able to accomplish in life. We’ve all heard “he has a bad attitude” or “she has a great outlook on life.”

It’s often stated that someone needs “an attitude adjustment.” Changing an attitude or an outlook on life is easy to talk about, but much more difficult to accomplish. Our attitude is comprised of all our thoughts, feelings, and ultimately, our actions. In order to change our results (attitude) we must change those thoughts, feelings, and actions which have been ingrained in our being over many years. Our thoughts are the key to beginning the change that will result in an attitude change.

Our conscious mind takes in our various thoughts through our senses of sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. The conscious mind works as a judge and can freely accept or reject the thoughts. Once a thought is accepted it is passed on to the subconscious mind, which can only accept the idea and turn it into a feeling or perception. These feelings then control our actions which govern our body, leading to results. It becomes an important task in changing our attitude and thus our results to take in only those thoughts that will result in moving us towards desired outcomes. As the output of a computer is determined by its input, so our attitude is determined by focusing on those thoughts that move us in a positive direction (or in some cases focusing on the negative and getting exactly what we don’t want).

World War II concentration camp survivor Viktor Frankyl stated in his classic book “Man’s Search for Meaning” that “the last of the human freedoms is man’s ability to choose his attitude of mind.” Attitude then; like where we live, or who we love, is a choice. By choosing our thoughts we choose our attitude. The old Bing Crosby favorite was correct: You have to ACCENTUATE the positive, ELIMINATE the negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don’t mess with Mister In-between.


  1. As an aviator I can appreciate the comparison of altitude and attitude. I would like to add that in aviation the attitude of an aircraft in flight is described as the inclination of its three axes to the relative to the earth. In that way a good attitude while flying an airplane prevents you from crashing into the ground or getting to far into the clouds. When flying and aircraft you cannot control the winds and other external factors anymore than you can control external factors in your life. In both cases the one thing that you can control is your attitude. Controlling our emotions and the actions that control our bodies is like controlling your direction when flying an airplane and in both cases a good attitude will get you safely and confortable to your destination.
    Thanks, Ari

  2. Attitude is contagious too. A person especially someone in a leadership position (legitimate or perceived) walks into a room or meeting with a positive attitude it can up lift the attitude of everyone around. A good attitude can be motivating... Try working out with a person with a lousy attitude compared to one with a good attitude. One will look forward to working out with someone that has a good attitude it's just more fun. Positive attitudes can get us a long way professionally, with friends, and personally. No matter what happens to us in life, even bad things, we must be able to shake it off and regain our attitude.

  3. Viktor Frankl's harrowing memoir of surviving in a concentration camp seems incomprehensible. Even more unbelievable is the attitude he adopts during his struggle as he remains apart from his family, starving, cold, and forced to perform hard labor with no end in sight. It is truly miraculous that through it all, he decides that even though his body is being held captive, he is still free to control his mind and his attitude.

    After reading Frankl’s book, “Mans Search for Meaning”, it is simple to understand the following words from Chuck Swindoll (an evangelical Christian pastor, author, educator, and radio preacher).

    "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you ... we are in charge of our Attitudes."

  4. You have to ACCENTUATE the positive, ELIMINATE the negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don’t mess with Mister In-between. I love that saying already; I will save that to inspire my students to keep a positive outlook on life. I agree that attitude is the key to success. I strive to be the type of person that thinks my glass is half full rather than half empty. As Frankl said in his book, man's search for meaning trials and tribualtions in life are what we make of them. If we try hard enough we can find the better good in any situation once we dissect it for better comprehension of how to turn a negative into a positive. I made my new year's resolution for the past three years to have a positive and cheerful attitude towards others. I strive to always try to find and accentuate the good in all people, especially the one's that others have given up on. Having a positive attitude has gotten me through several bad situations, and establised rapports with several students that could not make a connection to others.

  5. Waking up in the morning and putting a smile on my face, even if I don’t feel like smiling, helps set the tone for my day. If I’m smiling, the kids will smile. If I come to work with a chipper attitude that too is contagious. Of course there will always be those who will try their best to bring me down but one thing I can control is my own self and my actions! I love to surround myself with friends and family, and who wants to hang out with someone who’s grumpy all the time?

  6. I teach preschool, and when my day has started off on the "wrong foot" because of trying to get three kids and one husband out the door, I have to forget all of that. They depend on me to be smiling and excited to see them and to be excited about what we are doing. I want preschool to be a fun and positive experience and having a positive attitude, even when I have a student that challenges me to no end!

    1. Comparing attitude to altitude is an interesting perspective and I don't think I've hear that before. It is difficult to change a person’s attitude even when it’s for the best. Look at how many people know smoking is bad for their health but continue to do so. I have been amazed in the past to see what it takes to change a person’s attitude. I've seen individuals with poor performance and attitudes change for the better. What took nothing more than a verbal counseling for one took another a 4 written counseling’s and a reprimand from the commander. I have found even if I’m having a bad experience someone else’s positive attitude keeps my calmer and more understanding.

  7. I am usually known as a person that is always positive. I tend to just be a happy person. Recently, life has gotten crazy enough that I find myself less positive and more negative in my interactions with people. I know, from encountering other unhappy people, that this is not the way I want to be. If I am in a mood where I can't seem to bring myself to be pleasant around other people, I try and find something to do that doesn't involve human interaction. If I have to be around other people, I buckle down and try and be pleasant because I can choose how I'm going to be. My circumstances do not control how I am going to react!

  8. Attitude also effects those around us. When we outwardly express our moods and attitudes in a negative manner, this creates a domino effect. It is often hard to think positive when we are in a poor attitude. But as you mentioned before, our attitude is like altitude. The smoother sailing is often in the higher atmosphere. The best advice I received in changing ones attitude, take ten minutes and get away to ones self. Reflect on what is causing this grief. Michael Jordan used to do this after a poor performance in his NBA career. The 10 minutes of reflection, and then quit dwelling on the past. If we approach our problems the same way, we can easily determine the root cause of our grief. Of course the easy solution is to begin with a good attitude and maintain that attitude.
    "originally posted 1/24/2013 @5:04MST"

  9. I have never before perceived attitude as a choice. I have always assumed it to be an inherent part of one's personality. Something you are born with. I have always been a "glass half empty" kind of person and am very susceptible to letting a situation control my attitude. I have heard of comparing attitude to altitude before but did not think much about it. Now, I see how your attitude can determine your altitude in every aspect of life. The first thing that comes to mind is succeeding at work. If two people with the same experience and/or education are competing for promotion, and one has a bad attitude and one has a good attitude, which do you think will be promoted? I like to think of altitude as a ladder. The better attitude you have, the high up the ladder you will climb and vice versa.

    -Natalie Mills

  10. Attitude is a very powerful thing. I do agree that attitude is a choice that everyone can make; however, there are many factors that influence that choice. I am a prime example, at my last duty station the leadership and I did not get along well at all. My attitude nurtured a negative environment which in turn became a negative reputation. I volunteered to move in order to get a fresh start. Prior to arriving at my new base I made the conscious choice to have a better attitude. That simple choice has changed my life; the last two years have been the opposite from my last base. My work ethic and ability to do my job has not changed. The only thing that changed is the outlook I had on life and work. It is easier to change your attitude when you do not have a reputation already in place. If you have a bad reputation it is near impossible to change it even if you make the choice to better you attitude.

    Matthew Fullmer

  11. Attitude has the ability to take you great places professionally and personally however, it can also take you in the opposite direction. Being in the military we have no place or want for negative or poor attitudes, this behavior will get you nowhere fast. I have always had a fairly positive outlook and attitude towards most things except perhaps ignorance, and it has assisted me in career progression as well as being married to the most amazing person. If I had been walking around with a poor attitude I would not be successful in the military nor would I be married to a great person.

  12. I agree completely that attitude is within our control and we have the absolute ability to make conscious efforts to alter it. We can approach situation and either agitate them further or defuse them. We have the ability to choose how we handle circumstances. It is up to oneself to determine how we address issues as they arise. As an Officer in the military I come in to circumstances that are less than favorable but it is my duty to address them in a professional manner. As a parent it is my responsibility to provide decisions that grow my daughter into a capable, self sufficient woman. The decisions I make in order to see these through are mine to make and I owe it to my personnel, my child, my family and myself to give it the attention it deserves in order to make the best decision I can. Attitude drives my decisions and how my attitude is perceived influence those affected by my decisions.

  13. I agree that our attitude is our altitude through our flight of happiness in life. This is not an easy process, but requires time and persistence to be a happier person. We have to believe or hope and have the desire to be happier and have a way to not get down or upset as easily. Attitude is contagious in our homes, workplaces and in our communities, we must try and not let the little things bother us and enjoy life.

    Sidney Kelley

  14. I use this as a motivational tool. Many times our attitude drives our motivation. We can use this to keep us motivated and then we can become effective. When we choose to have a poor attitude we do not do our best, we only do what is needed to get by. Our attitude is also like a virus, it is contagious. We give it to others, think about it, when was the last time you worked with someone with a bad attitude? How did it affect you? What about the same for someone with a fantastic attitude? I always want to be the guy with the great attitude. It is hard but once it is a habit you become so very effective.

  15. I complete agree. I think that the attitude someone has determent there outlook on life. I believe that people need to determine early in life what kind of person they want to be. i am a strong believe in "rolling with the punches." i believe a big factor is learning how to deal with people. I always try to keep a good attitude when meeting a person with a bad attitude. It makes me feel like i give them no other choice but to be nice. Great blog.

  16. Many times, it is argued that people are defined by their temperaments and experiences. This suggests that individuals are a product of their unique design and subsequently shaped by that which happens around them. The problem with this theory is its failure to recognize the power of the human mind, which can change when deemed necessary. To contend that our design and experiences alone determine who we are, would be to suggest that our paths in life are predetermined and with boundaries. I do not believe this to be true.

    In the previously cited book, Frankl also stated, "Man is ultimately self-determining," which entirely contrasts the aforementioned theory. Attitude is core, the foundation of our self-determination -our choice. While everyone is biological product shaped by sociological experiences, our unique nature is a derivative of attitude. While we can be born of the same fabric, and be dealt the same "hands" in life, it is the attitude in which we perceive our existence and experiences that are responsible for preference of the word "individuals" over the group terminology, "humans".

  17. There are underlying reasons why many people have the "attitude problem" they present. It isn't always so easy to understand or change, and I believe that those looking in don't always understand that. It's healthier to try and understand the individual and why they feel the way they do rather than direct them to "fix it". It may be more difficult, however it will give the best results.

    1. I don't really believe you "direct" them to fix it but become part of the solution. Part of the mentor/leader role is the development of people including their attitude. Having supervised in various capacities for over 25 years I can state that when people operate from a positive position they out perform and are happier in general than those who aren't. There are exceptions, but they are just that-exceptions.

    2. In the end, "the two foot diameter" surrounding us is all we can control. That would basically encompass our attitudes along with the actions and words that follow. The only true and lasting value we ever derive from our sufferings and triumphs is how much it improves our overall attitude.

  18. Oh how I wish I could have my teenage son read and apply these words. We are constantly telling him that his attitude affects everyone around him, but alas, he is a teenager and has a hard time connecting the dots for this concept.

    I absolutely loved reading this blog and I totally agree that attitude is everything. The happier my attitude is, the happier my husbands is as well as our younger children. I firmly believe that happiness is contagious and that life is too short to surround yourself with negative people.

  19. Attitude is a compass for which I read people on a daily basis. My first impressions of an individual usually comes from the attitude and charisma that they hold. My personal attitude has changed alot since joining the military 7 years ago, but I really try to maintain a positive, humorous attitude simply because it makes me approachable to people and stimulates conversation with the individuals around me. I do know alot of people who display a very stand-offish attitude at work and it really doesnt seem enjoyable to me. Like the blog post states, attitude is a compilation of almost everything that affects you in life and is very hard to change.

  20. Attitude can really help within an organization. I really think that people need positive attitudes to help with teamwork. I realize that many times you have a person with a cancerous attitude and it ruins the team dynamics. People with great attitudes usually learn to deal with things much easier and tend to be more successful.

  21. I think attitude can effect not only ourselves but the people around us, especially when we work with children. Have you ever walked into a classroom and the teacher was stressed out? If you looked around, you would notice the students were most likely wild as well. If you go into the classroom calm with a positive attitude, the whole atmosphere will do the same. You are who you surround yourself with. It is hard to keep a positive attitude but when you keep positive thoughts in your mind, it makes things much easier. You also have to surround yourself with positive people as well.

  22. As discussed above, what we take in effects our thoughts feelings and attitude. There is a cycle which starts and ends with behavior; your behavior affects my attitude, my attitude affects my behavior, my behavior affects your attitude. The point here is attitude affects behavior and as pointed out above, in order to change a behavior, the attitude must be changed. Additionally, in dealing with "he has a bad attitude", in addressing the issue with an individual, it is important to focus on the behavior presented an not the attitude. I believe, while it is idea for individuals to have a positive attitude, the main concern is the behavior they exhibit.

  23. When I was growing up, I thought my mom came up with the saying "You could use an attitude adjustment." As history tends to repeat itself, I have caught myself quoting those words to my pre-teen daughter. It can be hard to adjust someone's attitude if feelings of anger or sadness are prevalent. A person's attitude can also change given the situation or environment. This change can either be for the better or the worse. Attitude makes a full circle of emotions. For me, I have a hard time with rude people, they can make a good attitude turn with a drop of a dime. The attitude change is usually short and tolerable, but it is still enough to cause anger. The same goes for a good attitude, however a good attitude tends to stick around a lot longer and reflects on more people as they will often pay it (good attitude) forward.

  24. I remember one morning waking up in a bad mood and my mother said" be careful with that attitude, it will make you grow old quicker" . I asked why and she said" because you have such a frown look on your face that invites wrinkles" . I knew as a young girl, wrinkles were the last thing I wanted to possess, so I change my morning approach. I set my alarm to wake me up playing music. Music has helped me dealt with my mood swings and now that I am a Mom, I use it to wake my children up too. Our attitude can set the tone of how we approach situations that are challenging in our lives. If we are faced with an obstacle and we automatically think we cannot overcome it then that will be the outcome. However if we approach it with a positive attitude, it opens our mind and eyes to new possibilities. Positive attitude helps us focus and opens a new perspective in our lives.

  25. Wow. Everything I just typed got erased when I hit "preview." What a perfect time to have a good attitude about a negative situation! Let's see, my value gained from this experience is I now know to copy my replies to a separate document BEFORE submitting. This is probably common practice for many; I guess I just have a little too much faith in certain processes!

    Well, in my previous reply I stated that attitude is everything; it's a game-changer in life. It has a huge influence on the outcome of every situation we are in. It's interesting how our attitude often times precedes us, be it good or bad. From a child to my early adulthood, when it came to sports, I had a reputation of being a sore loser. I can't even remember how many times I embarrassed myself and then had to apologize later. My excuse for my attitude was that I simply a competitive person. It wasn't until my kids started watching me play sports that I decided to change my attitude. My desire to set a good example for them quickly overtook my need to win. Because if they are anything like me, they are going to need all the help they can get when they start playing, too!

  26. What great thoughts! Attitudes are so easy to have but so hard to change especially when they are negative ones. I find it hard to deal with others attitudes, especially in not letting others attitudes effect my own attitude, just because someone takes out their frustration on me does not mean I have to in turn take out my attitude on them. "By choosing our thoughts we choose our attitude. The old Bing Crosby favorite was correct: You have to ACCENTUATE the positive, ELIMINATE the negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don’t mess with Mister In-between." These last few sentences I actually wrote down, that way I can recite them when I'm feeling negative. It is so easy to focus on negative rather than positive, but it makes life a lot easier to deal with when you keep your attitude positive.

  27. I know that this is not a religion based post but when I read it I thought about how hard it is to be like Christ. When you make the decision to be a disciple for the Lord you have to reconsider and retrain your thoughts and emotions, basically you have to reinvent a whole new you. You can't expect your attitude towards life to change if you are not willing to make a change from within. For example, I cannot walk into the classroom everyday angry about having to be up early or trying new material yet expect my students to be excited to see me and eager to learn. Life just doesn't work like that.

    You have to be willing to shed off the old you, as the Bible states, and take on the form of a better you, one that walks in light and positivity.

  28. Attitude can be a hard thing to change. I find this more so depending on your past. If you've been through things that have negatively effected you, it can be difficult to change your outlook or attitude about life and its happenings. I'm currently going through a change of attitude and outlook in my own life and reading Frankl's book has shown me that we can choose they way we see things to help us live, survive, and thrive. Thanks!

  29. Attitude is EVERYTHING! I know that is like a quote or cliche thing that people say or you see framed in an office building, but it is so true. The way we carry ourselves and the attitudes that we embrace are what determines how our days go and who comes in (and out) of our lives. I was always told as a kid that I had such an attitude. The more I think about this, the more I wonder what that even means! An attitude can be anything, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. The attitudes we take on and the things we let either get to us or roll off our back determines everything.


  30. A change in attitude can have a great impact on someone's life. The power of positive thinking is almost un measureable and a person can accomplish most task with the proper attitude. I wish I would have learned how important a good attitude can be at a much younger age, as in the past I would blame others for my lack of success when in reality it was my negative attitude that was keeping me down.

  31. An attitude has a lot to do with how you are perceived. I've been in positions where I didn't hardly have a clue as to what I was doing, but I had the right attitude to learn and move forward with whatever I was directed. Somehow, this made me look like the most competent person in the shop. I believe that if everyone is able to put a positive spin to their daily routine in their own mind to enhance their attitude, the possibilities are endless. Co-workers are far more likely to cooperate with a person with a positive attitude and over time your positive attitude affects and changes the attitudes of those around you (in a positive way).

  32. I have always tried to have a good attitude or outlook on life. This gives me the drive needed to move towards things that either make me happy or give me a sense of accomplishment. I recently had a conversation about leadership and viewpoints of workflow. The individual simply had a bad attitude about current processes. Rather than give examples on how to fix things, they simply complained about leadership. This individual needs to change their attitude and work through issues in order to provide a positive change to processes. Being angry never gets anyone anywhere. It is my belief that the right attitude can change the perception of processes and in turn gives people a better view of how things work.

  33. What a wonderful blog! It is amazing how things come to you when you need them most. What I am trying to say, I guess, is that I can feel my attitude becoming negative because of my negative thoughts. After reading this and Frankl's book this past week, I realize how important my mental attitude is to continuing on my educational path. I need to continue thinking, knowing, believing, and trusting that I can finish what I have stated, and become who I want to be. Without this mental attitude I risk what I have completed so far. A couple of things that caught my attention in reading were when "an attitude adjustment" was discussed. This seems ironic because this is what I need. I am at a moment in time where I am feeling drained from the pass two years of school. My educational path is taking longer than I expected. Another thing that caught my attention was the last sentence. Sometime it is easy to think you are in control of things when it is only your attitude you have control over. Thank you for this inspiring moment. I read this just in time to continue my path.

  34. I can really appreciate the comparison you have drawn between attitude and altitude. My tenure at Southwestern College may be growing shorter, but one of the greatest lessons learned in college has not been by the costs of tuition or books, the real education has been mentors from the community guiding better ways to communicate. Finding the right attitude to persevere and find a way to an appropriate altitude has been an amazing transition in my life.

  35. I enjoyed reading about the comparison between attitude and altitude on a flight. I agree that your attitude is what sets the course in life. I must admit that I know I have a bad attitude when dealt with less than ideal situations. I am quick to get angry and I am very stubborn at the same time. As I am getting older, I have become better at controlling my attitude because I quickly found that a bad attitude only makes the situation worse. I have also come to the realization that maintaining a positive outlook on life is the exact attitude that I need to have in order to survive this crazy thing called life.

  36. I have never heard of the Crosby saying but I will never forget it. I tend to have a happy attitude all the time. The times I do not I have my husband to help. He has the does not care about anything attitude. He is usually right and I do not need to stress over things because they do not matter. Our different attitudes work because we help each other. I have received compliments from his family saying they see a good change in him and its because of me. We have in return given our kids a good altitude to cruise at. Things other children would go yuck our kids are like whatever. My kids love to paint their nails together and at other times they all wrestle just for a few examples. I even get asked how am I so calm with having four kids. Most of them have one or two kids and are stressed out. I tell them kids are still experimenting life and if they are not doing anything wrong then I cannot get mad. I do say "I love you!" with the wait until we get home look.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Your blog is definitely something that I needed to read at this point in my life. It would seem that my attitude, over the past few months, has taken a nose dive. Some of your content identify the exact reasons my attitude has gotten so bad, which has also affected other things in my life. Bing Crosby's quote is now something that I have written on my bathroom mirror as a reminder. Thank you.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. As a manager and parent I have experienced needed attitude adjustments. Some of my employees say I am too nice, but they also realize we are successful because of how we deal with our customers. While I may not agree that attitude is everything, I do believe it is a requirement for success.

  41. I have always been told from a young child that my attitude is the ceiling to my success. I truly feel the only thing that holds us back it our attitudes. We all have situations and struggles in life. We can choose to let them define us or we can overcome them. In today society we need to find the positive in everything even if we have to squint. Attitude is like behavior, it must be worked on and noticed daily.

  42. In the book, Man's Search For Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl, the quote “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how” is used. When speaking about attitude and how it affect our life this quote comes to mind. I think that if we focus on the why in our lives more often forming a positive attitude with positive thoughts, feelings, and actions will be more doable. Our attitude is a choice. If we focus on the why more than the how I think it will be less difficult to get to our end result with a positive attitude along the way.
    Frankl, V. E. (2006). Man's Search For Meaning. Beacon.

  43. Far too often, I let others affect my attitude. This becomes apparent when I am driving on the roadways. It seems the simplest of things upset me. I find myself always criticizing other drivers and letting their actions determine my attitude. Recently, I have made a conscious decision not to let others affect my happiness. I understand that I have no idea what others may be going through. I cannot control other people’s actions, but I can control how I chose to react. Being in control of one’s self is a very important trait. Having small children and dealing with the constant attitude shifts has been an eye opening experience and one that has helped me to further work on controlling my own attitude.
    Darius Jimerson

  44. I think attitude is so important. It is significant in how people perceive who you are, especially first impressions! This reminds me of my first job. I was young and I didn’t understand what I was doing. However, my dad told me that having the right attitude is essential to my success in both life and my job and I hung onto those words. Having a cheerful, enthusiastic and go-getter attitude helped me to show that I am capable and willing to learn the ropes. I think it’s also important to strive for a positive attitude in your daily routine. This will spill over to other areas of your life when you’re going through rough times and hardships.
    Jessica Lacey

  45. Attitude is such an important aspect that effects the way others see us our the way we see the world. You stated in your post that "In order to change our results (attitude) we must change those thoughts, feelings, and actions which have been ingrained in our being over many years." This implies that attitude in a large part is the result of our upbringing. After spending much time observing children of all ages in a childcare setting, as well as raising my own children, I am more inclined to thing that attitude is more part of who we are from birth. My children for example, both have been raised in the same environment with the same parenting style, both are still very young. One is more inclined to have a very negative outlook on most situations while the other sees something good in every situation. I believe that our attitudes are ingrained from birth, but it is our experiences through life that give us the capabilities to adjust our natural attitudes.
    Brooklyn Capela

  46. Attitude is a huge force in creating success. I work in a job that is sales centric and within a call center. My callers have nothing to go off of when they speak to me except how I present myself over the phone. I've always put a smile on my face and talked to my callers like I wouldn't possibly want to be doing anything else in the world at that moment. It makes no sense to have a negative attitude and do anything but a good job. By showing this positivity, I build better relationships with my callers and that helps with my own success at work.

    This, of course, is just a small, miniscule example compared to Frankl's experience of keeping the right attitude amidst the worst of conditions. Yet, it goes to show how his message can be transferred to so many different circumstances of life, both good and bad.

  47. I once heard the phrase, "Where the soul is willing, the body is weak." Reading this post reminded me about that saying and I agree with it one hundred percent. This phrase is mainly about how people are tempted but the temptation isn't solely the responsible of whatever tempts you. The temptation starts from your thoughts and your body responds. I try to maintain a positive outlook on life. I often think "It could be worse" and if it gets worse I say "It has to get better" or "Something good is about to happen". I don't mope but I'm not skipping around pretending that my life is great and so is everything/everyone in it. No one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life.
